this is the starting point of the next four years: i expect some sort of personal growth, i expect this blog thing could facilitate that growth, and i expect some actual point to this bloggery to present itself in due time. in the meantime, read on!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The First of Many

Well, here goes my first blog ever. This is the pioneer, the neanderthal, the genesis of my blogs. Inspired by some sort of basic Darwinian thought, I suppose this blog creature could go about in one of two ways. Extinction... or the procreation of genius!

Perhaps, it could fail horribly due to a lack of interest on both my part and yours. Or just maybe, I can come up with enough blog subject matter to keep someone in this world wide web interested enough to read for more than 10 seconds (the approximate attention span of a gnat, which often exceeds my own capabilities).

Enough interlude... begin first verse...


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